CECL provides Instrumentation services for monitoring and measuring various parameters critical to engineering and environmental projects. From Piezometer Installation to Air Quality Measurement and Monitoring, our team offers comprehensive instrumentation solutions tailored to project requirements. We specialize in Dam instrumentation to monitor structural integrity and water management through piezometer installation and monitoring, survey monuments, automatic weather stations, and air quality monitoring systems, ensuring reliable data collection and analysis. With a focus on accuracy and reliability, we support our clients in making informed decisions and ensuring the success of their projects.

Piezometer installation (Vibrating Wire, Standpipe)

Piezometers are instruments used to measure fluid pressure in a system. They are commonly used in geotechnical and environmental engineering to monitor groundwater levels, pore water pressure in soil, and pressure within structures such as dams and retaining walls.

Survey Monuments

These are instruments for dam safety monitoring located along cross sections starting from crest to downstream toe and near the abutments. The purpose of survey monuments is to monitor vertical, horizontal, surface and inclined deformation measurements of dams.

Air Quality Measurement, Monitoring, and Dispersion Modeling

Air quality measurement, monitoring, and dispersion modeling are essential components of assessing and managing air pollution.

Automatic Weather Stations

This includes supply of equipment, calibration of existing equipment and Installation of equipment.


Linking People, Protecting Environment

City Engineering Company Ltd